... a faint thought, a curious mind-play. What if...? What if, we could provide smaller companies a leveled playing field to big corporations. Something that allowed them to do smart marketing and help them understand and grow their customers likewise. Something that was easy to use and would not require the troops of experts that only a large corporation could afford...


Provide WooCommerce shop owners the same segmentation, dashboard and automation functionalities, that only large corporations afford. We dealt with all the technical complexity, the data whereabouts and provide an easy-to-use interface -  All ready-made, simple to use and for little bugs only. Neither requiring technical skills not long years of CRM expertise. For the cost of a pizza and beer, just as much to continue to supply the same to more shops.


We are Alina and Marco, who share the same passion and the same dream - supported by our excellent team. Together we reach for the stars. Join us by letting us know your ideas to take things further and make better every day.

Talk to us!

Let us know your thoughts and we will be right there for you!