
WooSniper Walk-through

WooSniper is your personal cockpit to help you grow customer love. Our all-in-one Marketing platform puts your customers is the heart of all your marketing activities. We make it easy to understand relevant business trends and treat every client unique, by providing you with the following features:

  • Flexible Dashboards
  • Powerful Segments
  • Coupon Management
  • Personalized E-mail
  • Campaign Automation
  • Marketing Calendar
  • Administrative Features

Standard and Custom Dashboards

After login you will straight land on your dashboard page. WooSniper comes with a rich set of pre-build dashboards – ready for you to select and display immediately after connecting.

Are you interested in monthly sales trends? Curious to learn about your customers and RFM segmentation? Want to know who bought a specific product in a certain time frame? Interested about a 360 view on a particular customer? Or want a real time update on how your current campaign is performing?

Its all there and much more! Just pick the right dashboard and get a comprehensive summary.

WooSniper comes with automated RFM segmentation of your customers, grouping them for convenient usage in campaigns.

Read more about RFM segmenting system in our related blog.

Some dashboards are real-time refreshed when opened others will prompt you to enter a value for filtering results. So you can see the same dashboard filtered differently on refresh.

All dashboard information is connected. Simple click on links inside the actual dashboard and to open another dashboard with more detailed view. Or to select underlying customers to act on them.

Access dashboard list overview to get a comprehensive summary of all available dashboards. When and by whom they were created and when they were last accessed. Use the list overview as your dashboard management cockpit to act on them – open, edit, duplicate or delete.

You can also filter on dashboard types. Standard dashboards are pre-build by WooSniper. Custom dashboards are build by you. You can build as many as you want! Just click the NEW button on the overview page to generate your own individual view on your business.

Powerful Segments

You can segment everything by anything! WooSniper provides you with unlimited segmentation functionality in a simple to use drag and drop interface. Just select what you want to segment – customers, orders, products, coupons,…- and perform your segmentation on literally any data point. Get your results and download them as CSV or dispatch per email – regularly and automated if that’s what you are looking for!

WooSniper comes with a variety of pre-defined segments. For example you immediately use existing segments on your customer’s on demographics, recency of last purchase, frequency or value of purchases and many more criteria.
Or you simply create your own custom segment filters. Act on results immediately or save filters for later usage, or to start an automated email campaign.

Content Builer

With WooSniper, you can send targeted emails to segmented customers automatically. Use our new content builder to create beautiful emails containing your shop’s product pictures and using wildcards or coupons.

For example, email valueable customers whenever they’ve become inactive for more than 60 days and include a coupon code uniquely generated for them for 30% off.
We are fully integrated with Mailchimp and provide you with detailed performance dashboards on every single campaign. So writing emails and tracking performance could not be easier. Just see which emails convert well and boost your shop sales.

And better yet, through WooSniper, you can deduct a control group from each targeted segment to measure true return on investment. Just automate your campaigns and let WooSniper do the work, while you keep focusing on KPIS and driving your business.